Market Insights


TitleArirang TV Interview2021-04-01 02:29
Writer Level 10




"Korea's unique rapid pace, often referred to as 'pali-pali(meaning ‘quickly’) culture', is the driving force of Korea's economic growth and an element that foreigners who visit Korea feel particularly attractive." The special documentary by Arirang TV highlights the fast and convenient lifestyle of Korea driven by highly-advanced IT technology. Peter Underwood, Managing Partner of IRC Consulting had opportunity to speak about the competitive advantage of the Korean culture and to elaborate how to make it even more stronger by developing planning capabilities. For more details, please find the link below.





Suite 1705, Officia Building, 92, Saemunan-roJongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 03186 
서울시종로구새문안로92 광화문오피시아빌딩, 1705Tel: +82-2-737-3222,


#palipali Culture# Korea culture# Korea# Arirang TV# Peter Underwood# Irc# Irc Consulting# Korea's Economic growth# interview# IT Technology
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